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Reaching Healthy lifestyle

Join us to the healthy movement to improve and maintain your life.

Healthy Lifestyle

What is a Healthy Lifestyle? This is a personal choice that we make and also the behavior we adopt and decide how to live. The choice of a healthy lifestyle lowers the risk of getting seriously sick or shortens our life expectancy. Even a positive attitude towards adopting healthy habits brings happiness to the individuals involved.  A healthy lifestyle is also a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. 

In order to reach a healthy lifestyle or maintain it for a lifetime depends on our choices. There are some habits that we can adopt to train our bodies into a healthy lifestyle:

1. Physically Active: minimum 30 minutes per day, even if you start with 15 minutes walking in the morning and 15 min in the evening. Set an alarm to ensure you are accomplishing your 30 minutes per day of exercise. 

2. Eating healthy: avoid processed food, high content of sugar, fried food, or high saturated fats that will impact your health negatively. Ensure to include more vegetables and whole grains in your diet.

3. Quit Smoking or do not smoke: it is well known that smoking tobacco reduces life expectancy to 10 – 15 years due to its negative effects in our body including poor reproductive health, cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and several related cancer. 

Clinical Daily Vegan Lung Cleanse

Helps you breathe easier by helping clear mucus and supporting deep lung restore and detox.

Lungwell Quit Smoking Aid

A full glass of cool water and Lungwell are your best friends to kick the urge out. Do something that makes your life meaningful instead of smoking

4. Drinking water is essential: our body weight is about 60% water, and this high percentage is related to many functions in our body in order to carry nutrients to our cells, flushing out toxins from our organs and it is involved in our digestion. For adults, men should drink 13 cups per day and women 9 to 10 cups per day. 

5. Getting enough sleep: avoid staying too late at night, training your body to sleep early and 7 to 8 hours can restore your immune system, improve your cognitive function, and also improve athletic performance. 

6. Helping your body with supplements: There are many micronutrients that are not produced by our metabolism, and they need to be introduced from external sources such as B12, vitamins A, D, C, and E also Zinc, Iron, Cooper, Selenium, and magnesium.

7. Avoid consumption of alcohol or drugs: avoid addiction to drugs or alcohol as they affect negatively to your health. Alcohol causes high blood pressure with a risk of heart attack and stroke, and also weakens the body muscles even heart muscle. It can affect the lungs, liver, brain, and other body systems. 

Recommended B12 Supplement Methylcobalamin

 8. Nourish your psychological health: keep in touch with your family and friends, get involved with your community, also participate in social events such as dancing classes, aerobic classes, spinning classes, biking groups, and walking or hiking groups. If you are experiencing depression, talk to your family doctor or health care provider. 

9. Practice Meditation: you can practice meditation to calm and bring peace to your mind for 10 to 15 minutes daily. Meditation provides support to achieve a mental balance, reduces stress, and anxiety levels, and stops overthinking.

Homedics Tabletop Water Fountain
Homedics Tabletop Water Fountain

Use it to drift off to sleep, meditate, or practice yoga; display it in your baby’s nursery

Screenshot 2023-10-13 104613
Ohm Tibetan Singing Bowl

It is used worldwide for sound baths, yoga, meditation, and spiritual healing. Energy healers, spiritual practitioners, and yogis embrace sound bowls for their serene resonance

Liipoo Heated Neck
Heated Neck Stretcher- Therapy Pillowcase

Heated neck combines graphene far-infrared heat therapy and magnetic therapy for 15 minutes a day, which can help reduce neck pain, provide neck tension relief, and restore proper cervical posture

INOME Aromatherapy
INONE Ceramic Aromatherapy Waterfall

The fragrance helps freshen the air, calms emotions, relieves anxiety and fatigue, relieves stress, improves sleep quality.

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